Optrex Eye Wash with eye bath 300ml

"Optrex Eye Wash will gently bathe, rehydreate and sooth uncomfortable eyes cause by everyday living. "
Moisure, replenishing, daily eye care.
Adults and Children, use as directed as often as required
Active Ingredients
Contains Natural Plant Extract Distilled Witch Hazel 13% v/v
Inactive Ingredients
Benzalkonium chloride BP 0.005% w/v as preservative
For serious eye problems or if irritation develops with use, speak to your doctor, pharmacist or optician
Do not use whilst or just before wearing soft contact lenses
Keep out of the reach of children
Keep Optrex Eye Wash in a cool, dry place. Store below 25 degrees Celsius. Protect from direct sunlight.
Discard 3 months after first opening
Do not return used Eye Wash to the bottle
Optrex Eye Wash is marketed by The Boots Company (New Zealand) Limited, Auckland, New Zealand.