Compeed Cold Sore Patch 15 patches
COMPEED TOTAL CARE Invisible Cold Sore Patches are transparent to hide cold sores during the day whilst lessening scabs to heal faster*.
COMPEED Cold Sore Patches act like a second skin, sealing the cold sore blister and creating the optimal healing environment to treat cold sores fast and effectively without the need for antiviral creams.
COMPEED Cold Sore Patches act like a second skin, sealing the cold sore blister and creating the optimal healing environment to treat cold sores fast and effectively without the need for antiviral creams.

Specials are for online purchases only, don't miss out! - Email us to check for availability.
- Reduce scabbing and crusting
- Clinically proven to heal cold sores fast*
- Reduce tingling, itching and burning
- Reduce redness and swelling
- Hide cold sores instantly causing significantly less social embarrassment. Make-up can be applied over the patch.
- Protect wound by repelling water, and potentially infectious bacteria
- Reduce risk of contamination from the lesion both to other people and parts of own body
- Hygienic treatment as unlike other treatments the patch prevents sufferers touching the sore
- Patches should be applied at the first sign of an outbreak, usually a tingling or itching sensation.
- Patches should be used 24 hours a day. A patch will naturally detach after about 8 hours and should then be replaced.
- Patches should not be removed in order to let the cold sore ‘breathe’. Doing this can lengthen the healing process.
- Wash your hands. Make sure skin is dry and clean. Don’t use in combination with cream as the patch will no longer stick.
- Healing of the cold sore lesion; faster healing compared to no treatment.
Registered trademark
Use as directed. Johnson & Johnson (New Zealand) Ltd. DA1511MT. NZ6671/11
All raw materials in the Compeed Cold Sore Patch have been tested and found to have low-allergenic potential - meaning that they are not likely to cause allergy. Most people will therefore be able to use Compeed Cold Sore Patch without any problem. If redness and itchiness should occur, the user should terminate the treatment.